Saturday, February 19, 2011


A day at home for Michael and I while Mike worked. It rained, and then while Michael was napping it started to pour, or so I thought! I looked out the window and it was hailing! Where I live if you want snow you have to go up into the mountains, so it was kind of neat even though it wasn't snow. I got a couple of fun pictures of it!

It lasted all of maybe 5 minutes while we had partly cloudy skies and then was sunny.


Mike took me to lunch since I don't work and I don't get out of the house much. It was wonderful to get out of the house! :) We went to Ruby's and of course I got some adorable pictures of Michael! I also remembered to take a sippy cup with us for the juice that comes with his meals. I have to say these crack me up so much.


Night Night and Butts up!


Two more adorable Father and Son pictures, which I love!


Just a quick phone pic today of father and son.


Michael's first Valentine's Day!

Mike worked the morning, but was off early and he took me out to lunch. We decided dinner would just be too packed and headed over to the Macaroni Grill for an amazing lunch! Later we had Coldstone Creamery ice cream for dessert, which I haven't had in years. It was amazing. Mike told me he was going to buy flowers for me on his lunch break, but didn't have a lunch break and I'm the one with the car so that didn't happen, but I'm okay with that. Instead he bought me a new box of Magic cards... We have a nerdy kind of love and I love it.

I made a deck and my new deck is so much fun... if it has the chance it will completely stomp you! So I only have a couple of pictures today, of Michael this night and then remember in January when I said I was doing the Valentine's Day shoot? I'll show you the outcome of that as well!


A bunch of really cute happy Michael pictures!

The first one he's throwing his dragon out of the crib!


Another phone pic today. Just one of Michael playing his Xylophone that Missy and Rudy bought him for Christmas. He's actually playing it now instead of getting mad at it for not making the pretty sounds that Mommy makes on it haha. He's just too cute!


Today I dropped Mike off at work and when I got home, Michael was passed out in his carseat.

After he woke up from his nap, we went outside and played for a bit he had a great time! These are all phone pics today.

Then tonight I hung out with Johanna at the mall, we had a blast.


Today I made Valentine's Day candy! I found a peanut butter filling recipe which was really simple and I used my other bag of candy melts and made peanut butter filled candies. They were really yummy! Then I had to add a silly cute kind of blurry picture of Michael.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today was Mike's day off and we had a fun family day!
First, Mike took me out to eat where ever I wanted to go, so we went to Panera Bread. Broccoli Cheddar soup in a bread bowl? Yes please! Thank you Sweetie!

Then we went to the park so Michael could run around and play. What a great day! We also got to see the ducks out on the man made lake.

I LOVE these pictures. The one above and the one below!

Chinese Ducks


Just a couple of really cute Michael pictures today!


I gave Michael a bath, and I've been letting him run around naked after his baths... well today, I got what I asked for. Michael was running around naked and I heard something different. He was peeing on the carpet. Of course, that would be what I deserve for letting him run around naked. So today's picture is of a naked baby running around my house.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Michael's First Super Bowl Sunday today! Mike was excited, and me? Not so much. I had fun taking pictures of Michael all dressed up for it though. Then he passed out in Mike's arms when it started. Also, I am incredibly sad that my Lightroom trial expired! I would love to have the program.