Saturday, February 19, 2011


Michael's first Valentine's Day!

Mike worked the morning, but was off early and he took me out to lunch. We decided dinner would just be too packed and headed over to the Macaroni Grill for an amazing lunch! Later we had Coldstone Creamery ice cream for dessert, which I haven't had in years. It was amazing. Mike told me he was going to buy flowers for me on his lunch break, but didn't have a lunch break and I'm the one with the car so that didn't happen, but I'm okay with that. Instead he bought me a new box of Magic cards... We have a nerdy kind of love and I love it.

I made a deck and my new deck is so much fun... if it has the chance it will completely stomp you! So I only have a couple of pictures today, of Michael this night and then remember in January when I said I was doing the Valentine's Day shoot? I'll show you the outcome of that as well!

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