Saturday, March 17, 2012

03-17-12 Day 77

 Michael decided that it was time to run around naked a couple of times today.

  Apparently he had quite the itch too.
  Jace wondering if I'll ever take the camera out of his face.

  Michael's tulip!
  Playing a zombie shooter with Dada!

03-16-12 Day 76

 Cleaning the kitchen I found that one of our onions sprouted! I might plant it, since I read you could harvest the greens to eat still.

03-15-12 Day 75

 A nice cold cloudy day! I've been a little down for no reason really and felt I should take a picture that felt the way I felt so I set up the tripod and got out my new remote and shot a picture of myself! I also took a picture of the new spring leaves on the little bush in front of the house. And of course, while I was outside Michael was in the window!

03-14-12 Day 74

 A sick little boy who caught Mama's runny nose climbing out of his little brothers walker! Yes... that is a scary "rar rar" on the floor. His name is Phil and for some strange unknown reason to me, Michael loves him!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

03-13-12 Day 73

 Today was a nice rainy day and we all stayed home. Well, I drove Missy to the bus stop this morning, and got some milk at 7-11 on the way back, but that was it.

 Jace loves his taggie blanket and he loves to pull it up on his face. Sitting on the couch I couldn't see his face peeping out the other side, but he didn't have it covering his face like I thought he did, so instead of moving it I took some pictures.

 For Valentine's Day, I got Michael this sucker where the other side is lips and I never gave it to him. Well, I finally gave it to him and I had a couple of good laughs, now you can too!

 I joined a photography forum, and this weeks theme is motion. Someone tried to take a picture of a spinning coin, but couldn't make it so you could recognize that it was still a coin and challenged any one bored enough to do it, so I attempted it and this is what I came up with! Not quite what I envisioned, but it's fun all the same.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

03-12-12 Day 72

 Michael got a shower in the stand up shower in our bath room today. Him and Dada take them there usually, but I let him take one in there today. I took advantage of being able to point my camera over the top without getting wet, until I gave him the shower head that he so nicely asked for. He calls showers "show-yous" Instead of an er, it's a you. 

Then, here are some I had Mike take of the boys and I! My computer monitor provides the lovely blue lighting.

03-11-12 Day 71

Today I was really down. John, Mike and Michael went to the gun show and I was supposed to do a photoshoot, but it didn't happen. So I asked Missy if she wanted to go out, and as I was getting ready to go get her Mike came home. He watched both boys while we went out. Things started to get better, but while at Spencer's the employees annoyed me so much that I left without buying what I was going to buy and they ruined my day again. It was one of those off days that I really had no reason to be down at all, but I just was.

03-10-12 Day 70

 We went out shooting today, Mikey got to shoot his new gun. I got to shoot a bunch of different ones, that I don't even know what they were. I shot an AK-47 at this shoot and see though! It was only about 30 yards out, but I also hit the base of an orange cone at about 300 yards with it. Aunt Missy watched the boys at our house while we were gone with his parents, Michael couldn't get rid of us fast enough!

 When we got home, I played with my new rf remote for my camera. Now I can take pictures that have me in them too, yay! Then I gave Michael a bath and one of my forums I'm on has the theme Motion for your pictures this week, so I got Michael in action in the bath. I'm really happy I did, because this is how his baths normally go!

03-09-12 Day 69

I don't know if you see it too, but I see something coming through on Michael's cheek! Freckles!

03-08-12 Day 68

 Mike thought it was time to bring out the walker for Jace, so I got it out. I don't think Jace is quite ready for it, he's not strong enough to sit up by himself like that yet, but he enjoyed it for a minute before he decided it was a no go. I didn't put it away though and Michael thought it looked like a lot of fun!

 So for nap time, Michael was in his room watching Winnie the Pooh. Apparently he decided it was a good idea to watch poo with Pooh.... This is a portion of the lovely mess I got to clean up while Mike gave Michael a shower!

03-07-12 Day 67

I failed... I didn't get a photo today. I'm not counting it as a complete loss yet though, because I might have got one on my phone. I just have to find my card reader so I can transfer my phone pictures onto my computer...

03-06-12 Day 66

 We ran errands today, and as we were at Wal-Mart and Michael was hungry, we ate at McDonalds. Then, I took a page out of Nana's book and made Michael a teepee with his toy container, and I used my tripod. He loved it, he sat and watched Rugrats before bed (a.k.a "The Babies").  I even got a nice glare from Michael on camera as I interrupted his t.v. with my camera. I'm such a good mommy ;) Not long after his glaring at me he played peek-a-boo. Then I got a picture of Jace with his Taggie blanket that he plays/cuddles with all the time.