Monday, March 12, 2012

02-26-12 Day 57

 Michael has suddenly gotten into planes, and we finally decided it might be a good idea to take him to the Train Museum. Lori and John had asked about taking him before, so we invited the whole family. I honestly wasn't that thrilled about it, but tried to have some fun anyways.  The lighting was very dark and I had a hard time focusing on some pictures and others were taken by other people, so they aren't all by me lol. It was a very fun day though!

Mike took this while holding a very wiggly Jace!

 Later, we all had dinner and we made Michael some easy mac. He decided he wanted my corn though, so I gave it to him. He went to town on it, I only ate about as much as you can see gone in the first picture and a couple bites off of the second ear that he ate too!

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