Tuesday, March 13, 2012

03-10-12 Day 70

 We went out shooting today, Mikey got to shoot his new gun. I got to shoot a bunch of different ones, that I don't even know what they were. I shot an AK-47 at this shoot and see though! It was only about 30 yards out, but I also hit the base of an orange cone at about 300 yards with it. Aunt Missy watched the boys at our house while we were gone with his parents, Michael couldn't get rid of us fast enough!

 When we got home, I played with my new rf remote for my camera. Now I can take pictures that have me in them too, yay! Then I gave Michael a bath and one of my forums I'm on has the theme Motion for your pictures this week, so I got Michael in action in the bath. I'm really happy I did, because this is how his baths normally go!

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