Monday, February 27, 2012

02-24-12 Day 55

 I dyed my hair again tonight! Mike helped choose the way I colored it. He got the pink dye in and I was starting work on the blue while he fed Jace and I realized my box of blue dye had the dye stolen out of it. It felt heavy still because the bleach that I don't use was still in there. So Mike went off to get me more dye while I sat half dyed. They didn't have the aqua blue I was going to use, so he got a dark blue.

 The pictures of Jace are of him eating his Mickey toy while I was dying my hair... well right before I started.

02-23-12 Day 54

Jace chilling with Dada, enjoying one of his binkies. I found some that he really liked and now he uses binkies all the time!

  Here I had to prop Jace's head up because he looked like he broke his neck the way he was sleeping before!
 A cute picture of Pandora!

02-22-12 Day 53

 I cleaned in my room today, and rearranged Jace's sleeping area so that the pack-n-play would fit next to me. While I did that Mike and Michael played with water guns. Then Michael discovered the sprinkler and wanted it on. With the sun up high and hot and Michael already wet I told Mike, "Why not?" So he turned it on in the "grass." 

 Not wanting to go outside and hype Michael up giving him the idea I was out to play, I took pictures of him playing through the window behind our orange tree!

02-21-12 Day 52

Mikey and I are pretty geeky. We play Magic The Gathering, and he games a lot. The dragon came with one of his games that he bought (Oblivion) and the pretties below are our counters for Magic!

 These are the pictures I took for my week 2 challenge. Take 5 pictures of the same object from different angles. This is the light in my entry way. The first one is an extra!

02-20-12 Day 51

I went out with Missy and Jessika tonight, and when I came home Jace was all bundled up in a blanket in Mike's arms sound asleep!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

02-19-12 Day 50

Tonight, Mike and I had a "healthy" sweet snack.... I'm sure it's better than lots of things we could have had... but we couldn't resist! Baked apples!

02-18-12 Day 49

   Remember how I was talking about Mikey preparing for the apocalypse? He got a pressure canner. Okay, so he also got it so we could preserver our garden veggies that we will have this summer, and so we could learn to make our own jellies and jams! He canned carrots, and "Apple Jelly" which I misread the instructions to him on and he ended up making the best apple caramel ever! Sadly... I only got to taste the bit that was on the spoon. It was a lot of fun though!

 Then, here are some of Jace on the blankie next to my desk playing and then sleeping with his world toy.

02-17-12 Day 48

 Remember the self portraits that I was talking about doing for the photography challenge I started? Here are the other ones that I took! The first one is the one I used, the rest are the ones I liked but chose not to use. I have a picture of Mike standing there for me too, because he was helping me fix my lighting problems and I thought I should throw in a cute one of Jace too!

The one I chose to use for my self portrait!

Future Man of your Dreams!

02-16-12 Day 47

   Today we got Michael's cast off! We got to the office early, so Michael and I climbed up the stairs and after we signed in, Michael played with the toys that they had. He was so excited to play it was really cute. He was really good while waiting until another girl came in and wanted to play with the little kid toys too. She was much older, probably around 9-10 I would guess. Then Michael wanted to play with her and she didn't want to play. Michael wanted to go back to the stairs, and saw a water fountain that was being used and proceeded to throw a fit in the waiting room after I wouldn't let him play with the fountain. We sat down on a chair with him screaming/crying and me holding him in my lap until he calmed down, then he took some pictures with my camera and everything was better for a while.

 Another fit followed later, but I don't remember what it was over. Then we were called back into the offices. We went straight back to get his cast cut off and he wanted to leave as soon as we went in. I sat him down on the bench like chair and stood behind him with my arms around him while the nurse cut the cast off. He had his free hand wrapped around my neck/face in a backwards hug as he cried from the noise. Then we went and got it X-Rayed again to make sure it healed right and he cried as soon as he saw the machine, because the last two times it hurt. Once that was over we walked over to the examination room and I sat him on a table where he wanted down, so I sat with him. The doctor examined him which made him cry as well. Every time he's gotten examined lately, he's got a shot, so I don't blame him for being scared. We left with a sucker and a pretty happy boy though!

   When we got home, Dada and Jace were in the backyard. Jace was laid out on a blanket kicking around and playing happy while Dada was making a raised garden in the backyard out of old boards. So, we joined them and after a while I realized that Michael's wagon was in the garage and so, Jace and I went in to get it. I propped Jace up and took him around back to go play with Michael. Michael hopped in and I toured them around the yard until I couldn't tour them around the yard anymore!

I think Mike might have taken this picture actually...
  Then for dinner, Mike and I had lemon chicken and peppers/spinach. It was so yummy! The chicken is yellow with lemon zest.

02-15-12 Day 46

This week I started a weekly photography challenge on my own little free forum and this weeks challenge was to do 2 self portraits of yourself. One you would show off and one that you feel shows where you are at in life right now.

 So I did the one where I'm at in life right now, today. This is what I was striving for. A normal morning on the couch with my 2 boys watching cartoons.

   However, this is the one I entered. A more chaotic and out of focus life, with my 22 month old being just that; a curious 22 month old who wants to push the button on Mama's "pretty." And me telling him he can't touch the camera...

02-14-12 Day 45

   It's Valentine's Day! Today, Michael is Aunt Minnie's date, and Mike, Jace and I are going to Chili's! Michael found a Halloween mask somewhere... I don't know why it's here, but he had lots of fun with it! Then of course there are the pictures of him playing with one of his new water "boom-booms." If you get him with one, he plays dead, it's so cute.

Michael in the process of "dying" after getting "shot"

Watching Rugrats

"Boom Boom!"

Jace sleeping in Dada's arms so dramatically.