Thursday, February 2, 2012

01-29-12 Day 29

 Above: Michael, I'm not sure what he's doing, I don't remember. Again it's been a couple of days before I got to post any pictures, but I thought it was rather cute. I'm also totally cool with the right side of his face being washed out, I have a feeling if it was exposed correctly, then the left side would be under exposed... maybe I'm wrong, but I like it anyways.

  Below: A quick snapshot of Michael feeding Jace a bottle. Jace was already done with the bottle, but there was still some in there and Michael decided that Jace needed to finish it. I rushed to get my camera for this cute picture before I missed it, because I miss a lot of really cute shots, so I'm glad I got this one.

 You see, Michael is a great big brother! He always lets us know what Jace needs or wants. He'll tell me when he "want up," "nite-nite," "a bellie," (a blankie) "a baba," and "a booboo." I mostly breastfeed, but once in a while I supplement... which I had weaned almost completely off of supplementing until we got thrush, now sometimes it's just too painful!. I think he tells me when Jace wants some other things too, oh he says that he "want a bite" sometimes, and he lets me know when he thinks that Jace has a "yuk-yuk/poopoo" or a "peepee" too.

 I'm so proud of how well he does with Jace. He almost always is loving, and I posted on facebook about this the other day, but not on here. The other night, Michael got his heart broken by Jace. He told Jace that he loved him and leaned down with puckered lips, but when Jace didn't lean up to kiss him back or tell him that he loved him too, Michael got mad and hit his chair and then went away upset. There's only be one other incident in the last 2.5 months that Jace has been here that Michael was upset.

 That was when we were all in the car and Jace was hungry. He started crying, and after a couple of minutes (we were on our way home) Jace started getting really loud. I felt bad for Jace, but knew we would be home soon, then Michael screamed, "JACE!!!" in a high shrill voice. He was mad that Jace was crying so loud and it upset him! Mike and I were both astounded at first, but it was bound to happen sometime.

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