Friday, February 3, 2012

01-30-12 Day 30

  Lots of pictures today again, I couldn't decide which ones I liked best, for a couple of reasons. Always the downfall of taking so many pictures, is choosing which ones to share!

 The first three pictures are of Jace and Michael. The first one is just plain cute, the second, Jace is making a silly face and the third, is a sweet kiss that Michael is giving Jace. Jace has a silly expression on his face there too. I love my boys so much!

 Another bath time session with Michael. Tonight, Michael grabbed a handful of color tabs and tossed them in. If you remember, I previously stated that we put two in per bath time... this time we ended up with five! You can see four of them here, and a cute little butt and very dirty feet.

 So, in some previous bath pictures, you might see Michael's arm in a protective cover meant to go over casts for bath time. Well, I haven't been able to find the darn thing for a couple of nights now and Michael hasn't had a bath. Today, he got even dirtier than he already was, so we brought out the little garbage bags and tape... it didn't work well, his cast got a bit wet, but not as bad as I thought it did.

 I found the protective cover just recently in the trash can... apparently Michael decided it was trash!

 Below, Michael has blue finger paint soap on him. It's made by the Crayola, just like the color tabs are. It's really weird and kind of slimy though. I'm not that big of a fan of it, although Michael seemed to have fun dipping his hand in the little container. I hid that really quickly though because it was getting really messy really fast... even though it would be a clean mess I guess.

 Here, Jace is puckering up in his sleep. It was so silly and so cute, he does it a lot.

 One of Michael's toy trucks that was on the dining room floor. We try to keep our house clean, but with 2 boys under the age of 2, it doesn't happen as much as Mike would like it to. I'm okay with it being a bit messy... I've always been a messy person, but I know that with these two right now the house is going to be messy for a while. I do like the house clean though and in time I know that it will be neat again, but for now I decided I should embrace the mess.... even in my pictures.

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