Wednesday, February 15, 2012

02-03-12 Day 34

Lots of pictures! I went out with Seth to take pictures. We had a lot of fun, and I taught him a little about his camera, not much though. I also got to play with his telephoto lens, and now I kind of want one!

Splish Splash!

I'm proud of the reflection in his glasses!

  After we went on the photo shoot of the lake, Seth came over and hung out for a bit with all of us. I got a cute picture of Jace, and then we all went outside and Michael helped Daddy garden, while Seth and I took pictures.
Michael helping Daddy rake the leaves.

Michael telling Seth that he has "An Owie? A One!"
The moon over the trees in my backyard.

Michael excited to help Daddy clean out the planter of weeds. He now has his own kids spade... just in case!

Michael weeding, by dumping dirt onto the concrete!

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