Friday, February 3, 2012

02-02-12 Day 33

  Today, we played inside. It was very windy outside and Michael was a bit afraid of the wind, but I told him it was okay, and after a while he was okay with it. He had to check it out a couple of times to make sure it really was okay though.

I love that if you look, you can see his reflection in the glass.... the very dirty dirty glass!
  Once in a rare while, Jace will take a binky, put it's fairly rare. When he does take one however, I have to prop it up with a blanket or else he'll spit it out, then cry. I thought I should snap a picture of him with it though. The blue light is from the musical light up world toy that you can see in the bottom left corner of the picture.

 Mike and I have started dieting and eating a lot better. Tonight, we had chicken kebobs with red/green bell peppers, pineapple, zuchinni and potato. It was absolutely amazing smelling and tasting!
  Here is the finished product! Yummy!

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