Sunday, January 29, 2012

01-28-12 Day 28

  Today was another fairly lazy day, we did however go grocery shopping! We were lazy though because Michael had us up until 5:30 this morning with bad dreams and telling us "I Done!" with bed. He would not get in his bed for anything when he woke up. He was literally done, so we brought him to bed with us, and that didn't go well either because he wanted to be awake and all we wanted to do was sleep. Finally at 7 this morning, after a hour and a half nap Michael woke up again and I got him to sleep in his bead for another hour or two.

  Here's Michael playing on his horse, or as he calls it, "hoof." Not the best picture, but one of the cutest, I love his little expression!

    Jace staring wide-eyed at the camera, wondering if he'll ever see my face again... instead of that big black thing...

  Below is Mikey's nightly routine.... playing Battlefield 3 with friends. I thought I should document it.
    Jace, asleep at my side.

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