Monday, January 10, 2011


Today, was mostly a lazy day. I did start Zumba dancing on the Kinect though. I had a 20 minute session and boy did it whoop my butt! Hopefully following the schedule it made for me will get me somewhat into shape. Goodness knows I need it!

As today was lazy (a.k.a. I was too sore from Zumba) I almost didn't take any pictures! So when 8pm rolled around I got up off my lazy/sore butt and broke out the camera.

Today's subjects?
My little boy taking a nap with no pajama pants on, because he managed to take them off (they are a bit loose).

My favorite pair of earrings that my brother Raini got me for my 25th birthday this year:

And me. I rather like this picture.

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