Friday, January 21, 2011


Alright, another big set of pictures, I think there are like over 20... haha

Michael and I went outside to play since it's so nice out. He wore his new flip flops and briefly wore his new sunglasses as well.

We went out with his ball again. I was hoping maybe he'd play with it a little bit. Last night he started hitting it back to me, but he wasn't interested in it while we were outside. His sunglasses on the other hand...

What's that? Oh must be my cell phone.
Girls can't get enough of me, always trying to hook up.
Sometimes, they're just too much and give me headaches.
Gotta get away...

What is this stuff again? It kinda feels funny.

Oh, hey Mom!

Look at those lips!

Such a big boy! The frog on his shirt reflected a bunch of green on his face, but I love this picture!

Apparently it's time to go with only one flip flop!

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