Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today, I am exhausted. Why? I really don't know. I went to bed at a reasonable time, and got lots of sleep, yet I have had a hard time not taking a nap. Rather frustrating actually, especially considering Michael wanted to play and I wasn't up to it. I did play with him though and we had fun, I'm not going to deny him play time just because I'm tired!

We bought 100 balls for him so we could transform his pack-n-play into a ball pit once in a while and let him have fun. We didn't buy the blow up ones because we don't want the cats to pop it. We found out quickly though that 100 balls really isn't all that many.

So tonight, I poured them out on the floor, then I thought, well maybe if I put them in one of those blue tubs....

He had a blast! Don't mind his graham cracker covered face he really enjoyed them.

Also, a question for my fellow photographers! I just recently bought my external flash, and tonight I was having a hard time with it. When it's dark, it doesn't meter through my camera like it's supposed to (might not during the day either, but harder to tell) and I have to guess how to meter my pictures, is there any way to fix that?

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