Monday, January 24, 2011


Today we stayed home again. Michael wouldn't nap for the longest time, and when I tried to put him in his crib to nap, he decided he'd rather watch the guys with the leaf blowers!

Then of course he noticed Mommy and got all super happy!
So after giving up on the idea of him taking a nap, we went into the living room and had some Goldfish snacks. Michael loves Goldfish. Here he is grabbing some up, he loves to double fist everything he eats.

Then, he decides he would rather use his other hand to choose which fish is the lucky one to be eaten first (or school, he rarely only puts one in his mouth).

But wait! That's not good enough either! He has to go in for the kill, his hands don't know which one is best, but his mouth sure does!

 Haha, not sure why he eats them with his mouth like this at times, but he does it! The cat food isn't even where he can see it to watch them eat and we don't have puppies for him to get the idea off of. We certainly don't eat like that! Here's a view of what I'm sure he sees when he goes in for a kill!

After the goldfish snacks it was time for some good fun with Mommy. Or so Mommy thought, as you can see, kisses were not wanted!

It's okay though, his smile told me he loves me anyway!

I have to say I'm pretty happy how the ones of Michael and I came out. I used the couch to balance the camera and well, I got really good at aiming the camera at myself and others a good couple years ago. I'm just glad they're in focus!

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