Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today was filled with shopping for household needs. Thursday, we will be grocery shopping, which we also meant to do today, but we forgot to take the big stroller out of my trunk. Thus no room to put groceries.
Today started out with Michael in just a diaper and Daddy playing peek-a-boo in the doorway. Michael gets a big kick out of this.
Where's Daddy?
There he is!
Apparently hands taste good!

Michael chilling after we got home from shopping.

Then Michael got a bath, which he always loves!

And for the first time ever, I let him run around naked after his bath. He thought it was great. Sadly it was too dark in the house, even with my flash to get a good picture, but I love this picture none the less.
Yes, that's a pot holder that he's got. It's one I had sitting on the piano because I just found it in a box that hadn't been unpacked yet. Now it's among Michael's toys for the night.

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