Sunday, January 23, 2011


Sadly today wasn't a good day for Michael. I'm not really sure why. Maybe he has another tooth coming in? I'm not sure, but he half cried most of the day. I did what I could to make him happy, but even then he wasn't thrilled. This evening he's been fine though. We have a doctors appointment coming up soon anyways so if something is up by then, I'll definitely ask about it!

That being said, I really didn't have my camera out a lot today. So I hurried to take a couple of pictures.

I have this beautiful bracelet on my desk that I got as a gift from my Mom one year. I have been wanting to wear it, but having a little guy and a magnetic bracelet just don't work together! I love it though! Isn't it pretty?

Looking to my right, my cat Carbuncle was curled up in his bed by me and he was so cute, I had to snap some pictures of course!

He finally got annoyed at me for taking pictures and tried to escape the flash by rolling over away from me. Too cute right? Silly kitty.

Then I realized Michael had woke up and was drinking his bottle, and not wanting to miss taking at least one picture of him a day, I snapped this one. Poor guy looks so tired!

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