Sunday, January 29, 2012

01-28-12 Day 28

  Today was another fairly lazy day, we did however go grocery shopping! We were lazy though because Michael had us up until 5:30 this morning with bad dreams and telling us "I Done!" with bed. He would not get in his bed for anything when he woke up. He was literally done, so we brought him to bed with us, and that didn't go well either because he wanted to be awake and all we wanted to do was sleep. Finally at 7 this morning, after a hour and a half nap Michael woke up again and I got him to sleep in his bead for another hour or two.

  Here's Michael playing on his horse, or as he calls it, "hoof." Not the best picture, but one of the cutest, I love his little expression!

    Jace staring wide-eyed at the camera, wondering if he'll ever see my face again... instead of that big black thing...

  Below is Mikey's nightly routine.... playing Battlefield 3 with friends. I thought I should document it.
    Jace, asleep at my side.

Friday, January 27, 2012

01-27-12 Day 27

   Today was a very lazy day. Mike can't sleep, so he tried to sleep half the day to no avail. Michael, Jace and I mostly watched movies today, and we ate Cheez-its too. For lunch, Michael and I had some ramen noodles, we haven't had that in a long time! As you can see it got in his hair!

Jace chilling, eating his hand.

Michael watching Beauty and The Beast while eating grapes "jupes" as he calls them.

   The below picture describes today very well, and a lot of days really. It's a picture of Cheez-its on the couch, just as Michael left them. The big green thing is one of his toy guns "boom-booms" that he loves to play with. To the left and in the background are pillows. There are almost always pillows, toys and food everywhere in our house, and I really love this picture because it makes me think of the way our life is right now. A little messy, a little noisy, and a little relaxed too.

  I changed Jace into a onesie and some Baby Legs, but decided it was too cool for just those, when I saw this little jacket on the edge of his pack-n-play. It had been washed, but he's never worn it until now. I thought it had bear ears like his blue one, but I think it has more like lamb ears. I'm totally cool with it though, he was just way to adorable in it. He's my Little Boy Blue!

   While I was taking pictures of Jace, Michael who is still eating his grapes decided he wanted a "pretty" taken of him, but when I turned the camera to him, he didn't want the picture taken anymore. I took one anyways, you know... being a good mom and all ;)

01-26-12 Day 26

Jace watching Aladdin

A messy cookie/frosting covered Michael

   Mike and I are starting a garden, we've started tomatoes and peas. All 8 tomato plants sprouted but only 2 pea plants have.
Our 8 little tomato plants

One of our pea plants

Thursday, January 26, 2012

01-25-12 Day 25

  Here is my hair after I finished dying it. It's pink, purple and blue! :) I love it!

  Thank goodness for mirrors!

  I also have a picture that Mikey took of Jace and I while I was developing my pictures! Jace is just too cute!

01-24-12 Day 24

  A couple picture of Jace, the first of him being upset in his swing. The second is him chilling on the couch at Missy's house. I went over to dye my hair. Our bathrooms are clogged and I was too excited to wait. So, here at the bottom is my before picture with my pink hair.

Missy took this picture of me before I started the tri dye process.

01-23-12 Day 23

  This morning, Missy called and asked for a ride to school. Lori and John were supposed to give her a ride, but had to take one of the dogs to the vet for an emergency. So, I asked Mike to take her since he knew where the college was and I'd never been, plus it was wet outside. He took her, came home and then a little later, after we found out Satin was okay, Mike had to go help John get something out of his truck.

 He told me he hadn't slept well and asked if I'd pack the boys up and drive him over there. I did and we visited for a little bit. Then before we left we talked about getting food. We were both hungry and I wanted to go out, but he just wanted to go home. I drove us home, rather pouty about not being able to go out. Once he realized how much I actually wanted to go out, he said that we could, and if I wanted to we should go before we got the boys out. I almost decided not to go, but he named places to go and named one that was really yummy. The Black Bear Diner. We ended up going, and we were both glad we did.

  When we got there, there was a big sign out front that said "Moms eat free on Mondays." It just so happened to be Monday, and I'm a mom, so I got a free meal! It was meant to be ;)



Wednesday, January 25, 2012

01-22-12 Day 22

   Michael and I have finally started story time before bed. It's something that I've always wanted to do, but I've always failed at. Michael wasn't really interested when he was littler and after moving and having Jace I just hadn't had time to try again until recently.

 Here he is sitting on the floor with a book in his lap, snuggled up under a blankie. He calls them bellies, but somehow I can tell the difference between a belly blankie and a belly tummy. He's patting the floor behind him, because he is summoning me to sit there so he can sit in my lap and begin story time.

  A close up of Jace.

  Last night, Michael had a bad dream. He wouldn't go back to sleep until both Dada and I were in there and filled up his bed with stuffed animals. We surrounded him with his stuffies, he already had one at his back. We then gave him a baba and he fell asleep sitting up. Tonight, he crawled in bed and fell asleep sitting on his pillow because there wasn't room for him anywhere else in his bed. He had added more toys, as you can see there are some hard toys in there. Mike went in later and got him all ready for bed and cleaned out his bed too before tucking him in.

 Mikey took this picture not long after I took the one above. Mikey didn't get the picture as fast as he wanted to though because before he snapped the picture, Michael had his hands together.

01-21-12 Day 21

  A lot more pictures today :)

Pandora chilling on Michael's new race track rug.

An alert Jace

Jace wondering what the camera is doing in his face again.
Carbuncle in front of my computer screen now.

Jace sitting next to me, enthralled with the lights and music.

Carbuncle sleeping on the couch.

Mike and Jace

Chinese food that Missy and I "made" from Sams Club for a birthday dinner for Lori.

Jace watching Dada play video games

Jace cooing at the world light

Still loving that light/music!