Sunday, January 22, 2012

01-16-12 Day 16

 What a day! More precisely, what a night! Last night, I was making grilled cheese sandwiches and Mike was playing with Michael in his room. They were playing horsey and Dada had Michael on his back riding him around the room. Michael was carrying his microphone toy and tossed it. He decided it was a great idea to dive after it off of Dada. Well, that wasn't such a good idea because he fell off Dada and landed on his hands and knees. 

(also I didn't mention on here, but on the 10th I accidentally gave Michael a nursemaids elbow... we were struggling with each other, I tried to put him on time out and he didn't want to go. I was trying to keep him from hitting his head as he threw himself and between the two of us we dislocated his elbow. He popped it back in while we were waiting to be seen in urgent care though.)

 So what happened when he landed on his hands and knees? He hurt the same arm that he got the nursemaids elbow with. He cried, not just an owie I hurt cry that lasts a couple minutes and he gets back up and runs around again (which happens to some of the most painful looking things that get both Dada and I cringing) but one of the worse cries that a parent could ever have to listen to coming from their child.

 I yelled at Mike from the kitchen asking if Michael was okay or not, figuring he might have jarred his elbow again as we were to watch for it being painful. Mike didn't reply and my asking got more frantic as I was handling the grilled cheese. I didn't bolt for Michael only because Mike was in there with him and I knew that for a fact. He finally said he didn't know and I turned off the skillet and bolted in there after making sure Jace was safe and sound in his bassinet.

 When I got in there, Mike was sitting on the floor with Michael sitting in his lap crying and holding his arm again. We waited a couple of minutes as we talked about it to see if Michael would stop crying or if we needed to take him back to urgent care. As Michael looked to be in genuine pain, and not just an "I hurt my sore elbow a little bit again" pain we bolted to take Michael to the Urgent Care again. I gathered a couple of things to make our stay there a tad more comfortable than it was last time. I bagged some Cheerios for Michael, luckily I had just made Jace a bottle before this all happened and I got all the necessities for two dirty butts.

 We got to Urgent Care, got signed in and waited. Luckily for us, Tangled was playing on the t.v. That is one of Michael's favorite movies, and it was easy to keep him calm. When we went back we told the person who saw us what happened and she sent us to the E.R. to get an X-Ray. I'll say I wasn't very happy with her because she told us that kids this age are manipulative and he might be playing us from his last injury. Lady, we know our son. He can be manipulative for all kinds of things that he wants, such as any kind of cookie, candy or anything to do with water, but he's one tough kid and he brushes off pain like no other. Aside from that, he hates nurses/doctors based on the sole fact that almost every time he's seen one lately he's been poked with a needle or had his owie touched. This was the last place he wanted to be.

 So we got to go to the E.R. and wait to be seen for his X-Ray. Neither Urgent Care, nor the Emergency Room felt very urgent as we had to wait forever to be seen in both places. We finally got called back and Mike went into the X-Ray room with Michael, while I stood outside the door with Jace. I listened to Michael cry out in pain as they moved his poor little arm to X-Ray it. It broke my heart not being able to comfort him. When Michael and Dada came out we left and went back to Urgent Care.

 When we were seen again, we were told that there wasn't a radiologist available to read the X-Ray and as far as she could tell, his arm looked funny, but it didn't look broken. We were to go home, and the radiologist would call us if there was different news when they got in.

 We left, went home and went to bed. It was well past midnight and we had left our phones at home. We notified family about what happened and went to bed. When we woke up that morning Mike had me call Urgent Care to find out about the X-Rays. While we were waiting, Michael was walking through the living room and fell. He had a bottle in his good hand, so he didn't catch himself and fell right on his bad arm/face. Poor boy hurt himself again, it's so hard to see your little one in so much pain and not be able to fix it for them.

 The radiologist called back and told me that Michael had a fracture and needed to go back to the E.R. to get it looked at. I told him about Michael's trip and he said to let them know because they might want to re-X-Ray his arm. And they did. (Nana and Aunt Minnie showed up and waited took care of Jace while we took care of Michael) This time, I went in with him. He sat on my lap and while we X-Rayed his left arm, he had his right arm wrapped up from under my chin to the back of my neck in a big embrace. I held him close and as carefully as I could I helped them do more X-Rays. He didn't cry as much as he did the first time, and he did a good job.

 We were sent to a room to wait in and we waited again for what felt like forever. We had to hold Michael down to get medicine in him, because he remembered he didn't like the taste of it last night. Finally, we were told that he had a Supracondylar Fracture in his Humerus and that they were going to splint it. They made an appointment for us to see an Orthopedic Dr for Friday. We were all angry that he had to go for 5 days without a cast! They splinted his arm and we went home.

Playing with Mama's computer even though he's not supposed to.

Eating ice cream after dinner. I put a cut up sock over his splint so it wouldn't get messy.

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