Sunday, January 22, 2012

01-20-12 Day 20

  I have a lot of pictures to share today! Michael got his cast today too.

 We woke up and went to his Doctors appointment, just Michael and I, while Dada and Jace stayed home. It was raining out, which Michael enjoyed. So we got to the doctors and Michael was amazing! He didn't cry, or squirm or anything! He did ask if we were done so we could go bye bye though. Everyone loved him and thought he was adorable. The doctor said that she sees this kind of break a lot, but mostly in kids around 5-6 years old, she said that it's understandable though doing what he did to get a broken arm. The nurse who put his cast on said she had 2 boys of her own and nothing surprised her any more. I laughed a little, because I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything that Michael can do anymore either.

 When we left, they gave him a sucker, and we went to the pharamcy downstairs to buy something for him to wear over his cast in the water. We then went through a drive thru to get Michael some chicken strips and fries for being so amazing at the doctors!

   Michael has color tabs for his bath. The container comes with red, blue and yellow for him to choose from. I always let him pick two tabs to put in his bath while I'm getting the water ready.  Tonight he chose two red tabs, which make the water pink rather than red, but we go with it. It's fun for all of us, and it helps him to learn colors all at once!

   Halfway through the bath, he decided he'd much rather have a shower, so on came the water! Here he is drinking it although I kind of think it looks like he's singing. Either way he loves it!

1 comment:

  1. Poor kid, but he is such a trooper! Also that shirt is adorable.
