Wednesday, January 25, 2012

01-22-12 Day 22

   Michael and I have finally started story time before bed. It's something that I've always wanted to do, but I've always failed at. Michael wasn't really interested when he was littler and after moving and having Jace I just hadn't had time to try again until recently.

 Here he is sitting on the floor with a book in his lap, snuggled up under a blankie. He calls them bellies, but somehow I can tell the difference between a belly blankie and a belly tummy. He's patting the floor behind him, because he is summoning me to sit there so he can sit in my lap and begin story time.

  A close up of Jace.

  Last night, Michael had a bad dream. He wouldn't go back to sleep until both Dada and I were in there and filled up his bed with stuffed animals. We surrounded him with his stuffies, he already had one at his back. We then gave him a baba and he fell asleep sitting up. Tonight, he crawled in bed and fell asleep sitting on his pillow because there wasn't room for him anywhere else in his bed. He had added more toys, as you can see there are some hard toys in there. Mike went in later and got him all ready for bed and cleaned out his bed too before tucking him in.

 Mikey took this picture not long after I took the one above. Mikey didn't get the picture as fast as he wanted to though because before he snapped the picture, Michael had his hands together.

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