Wednesday, January 4, 2012

01-04-12 Day 4

   Today, after I got out of bed with Jace, I joined Mike and Michael who were playing with Michael's new nerf swords outside. I watched Michael and Jace as Mike made tuna sandwiches, and we had lunch outside. It was nice, nice to all sit at a table and eat, and nice to be out doors.

Here's Michael sitting at the table, looking at his apple juice. He took his camera (his "pretty") out because I did.
 Michael played dead when we got him with his boom booms (toy guns).

 Jace looked around, and fussed a little as I started to take pictures of him and Dada. He decided it was time to eat, thus the unhappy face.
  Then, Jace and I chased Michael around the yard with Jace flying like Superman. Dada took that picture.

 Late that night after dinner, Jace and Dada chilled on the couch and I had to snap one more picture before I gave Michael a bath.

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