Friday, January 27, 2012

01-27-12 Day 27

   Today was a very lazy day. Mike can't sleep, so he tried to sleep half the day to no avail. Michael, Jace and I mostly watched movies today, and we ate Cheez-its too. For lunch, Michael and I had some ramen noodles, we haven't had that in a long time! As you can see it got in his hair!

Jace chilling, eating his hand.

Michael watching Beauty and The Beast while eating grapes "jupes" as he calls them.

   The below picture describes today very well, and a lot of days really. It's a picture of Cheez-its on the couch, just as Michael left them. The big green thing is one of his toy guns "boom-booms" that he loves to play with. To the left and in the background are pillows. There are almost always pillows, toys and food everywhere in our house, and I really love this picture because it makes me think of the way our life is right now. A little messy, a little noisy, and a little relaxed too.

  I changed Jace into a onesie and some Baby Legs, but decided it was too cool for just those, when I saw this little jacket on the edge of his pack-n-play. It had been washed, but he's never worn it until now. I thought it had bear ears like his blue one, but I think it has more like lamb ears. I'm totally cool with it though, he was just way to adorable in it. He's my Little Boy Blue!

   While I was taking pictures of Jace, Michael who is still eating his grapes decided he wanted a "pretty" taken of him, but when I turned the camera to him, he didn't want the picture taken anymore. I took one anyways, you know... being a good mom and all ;)

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