Sunday, January 22, 2012

01-17-12 Day 17

Ugh, another long night/day!  Last night around 10 pm, Mike was sitting in the dining room going through his Magic cards. Jace and I were on Mike's computer as mine decided to rear the ugly virus that has been on my computer for a while now. Mike had started a scan on my computer and mine would be out of commission for a while. Mike started talking about how bad his stomach was suddenly cramping, then not long after he bolted for the bathroom. Mike was violently sick.

 A little while later after realizing that Mike was really sick and not getting better any time soon, I called Missy and asked her what she was doing. She wasn't really doing much, and she agreed to come stay the night at our house to help me with my 3 boys. I knew I wouldn't make it with Mike being so very sick every 20 minutes, Jace having thrush and needing medicine every 2 hours and Michael sleeping with a broken arm. What was I to do if two of them needed help at the same time?

 So, I went and picked Missy up, then we went to Wal-Mart to get Mike some requested Pepto-Bismal. Missy if you are reading this, thank-you again for being there for me. I wouldn't have made it. Mike was sick just about every 20 minutes on the dot for the next 14 hours. Once in a while he was okay a tad longer, but not very often. Missy and I stayed up late, and our friend Seth stopped by to keep Missy and I company for a little bit as we strived to stay awake (or as I strived to stay awake). I went to bed for a little while, while Missy took care of Jace and helped Mike (I believe around 7 in the morning, but I can't remember) and then when she was leaving for school she called her mom for me to ask if she could come over and help.

 Lori showed up later that morning and helped to take care of an awake Michael, a little Jace, and Mike when he need it. I laid back down in bed after showing her where a couple of things were, just in case, and passed out. When I got up, Missy was bringing me a very hungry Jace (he prefers to breastfeed than to eat from a bottle, which I love most of the time, but sometimes... I wouldn't mind if he'd take a bottle) and Lori and John had taken Michael home with them to watch for the day as Mike and I caught up on sleep.

 Later that evening after everything was looking good, and Michael was going to be brought home soon, Missy and I rushed to Baskin Robins to pick up an ice cream cake for Lori. It was her birthday and we hadn't been able to celebrate at all. We got back to the house as they were getting out of the truck.

 Everyone had some rushed cake, and Missy got a ride home with her parents as they left. She said she'd shower and would come back over to help me again. I got everyone in bed, and realized, that this could be an almost normal night! I was going to call Missy to let her know that she could stay home and sleep, but I couldn't find my phone. Later, she gave up waiting on me, and tried to call me as it wasn't usual for me to not reply to a text message for something planned. Thankfully, when she called me I was able to find my phone. It was on the floor under the couch.

Lori's yummy chocolate chip ice cream cake. The best part of the whole day I think...
   I let her know we could sleep, and headed to bed. Not long later though, Michael threw up. Mike put the blankets in the wash, while I cleaned Michael, the bed frame and the wall up. He threw up twice more all within an hour, but after that he slept all night.

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